Y Life Science
This podcast highlights research and science projects happening in the College of Life Sciences at Brigham Young University. We will also cover life science and conservation efforts happening in the community.
43 episodes
Soil Chemistry and Human Impact
Former co-host, Austen Lambert, and Dr. Josh LeMonte join Katy and Sylvia on this episode of the podcast. Austen shares his master's degree research he conducted with Josh LeMonte...
Season 4
Episode 8

Robotic Bees and the Waggle Dance
Our guests in this episode come from the College of Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences. Dr. Sean Warnick and
Season 4
Episode 8

The Genetics of Caddisfly Silk
Dr. Paul Frandsen (Plant and Wildlife Sciences) is joined by Gabi Jijon (PhD), Danyon Gedris (undergrad) and Ashlyn Powell (recently graduated). They discuss their research projects with the genetics of caddisflies. Among other things, th...
Season 4
Episode 7

Soil Science and Bears Ears National Monument
Hosts Sylvia and Austen talk with Dr. Neil Hansen and graduate student, Elisabeth Currit about soil science and Elisabeth's research in Bears Ears National Monument. This epis...
Season 4
Episode 6

Bristlecone Pine, Mine Reclamation and Land Management
Dr. Steve Peterson (Plant and Wildlife Sciences) and graduate students, Haley Moon and Otto de Groff, visit with student hosts Austen Lambert and Sylvia Duke. Sylvia will be joining Aus...
Season 4
Episode 5

BYU Sensory Lab
Amanda Rees, director of the BYU Sensory Lab and two of her assistant student managers, Mattie Prince and Lauren Cromarty, join Austen in this episode. They talk about the BYU Sensory lab and how s...
Season 4
Episode 4

Potatoes and Mycorrhizae
Dr. Brad Geary and two of his students, Jacob Henrie and Melissa Burrell, discuss their research projects and how they are finding new ways to solve problems related to plant growth.
Season 4
Episode 3

Women Should Be included in Exercise Research
Historically women have been excluded from exercise science research. Since Title IX, more studies have been done as there have been more female athletes. This episode of the Y Life Science Podcast explores the research conducted by Jessica Lin...
Season 4
Episode 2

The Rise of Athletic Training at BYU
Dr. Earlene Durrant (Dr. D) talks with Austen and Katy about her career in physical education and athletic training. She was inducted into the BYU Hall of Fame in 2000. You can read her bio
Season 4
Episode 1

Food Insecurity Research
Dr. Rikelle Richards (rickelle_richards@byu.edu) and undergraduate student, Kyle Lyman, talk about their research study with nutrition and their work with the Provo Food and Care Coalition. Dr. Richards was recent awarded the 2023 General Educa...
Season 3
Episode 11

Epigenetics and Forensics
Dr. Timothy Jenkins and undergraduate student, Kelaney Stalker join Austen and Katy to discuss epigenetics. Kelany describ...
Season 3
Episode 10

Winging It! From Curiosity to a Scientific Fact
This episode introduces another research podcast called, "Winging It! From Curiosity to Scientific Fact" produced by Dr. Steve...
Season 3
Episode 9

Creative Land Management
Dr. April Hulet and Curtis Drake explain how they are researching ways to restore native plants and grasses by managing cattle grazing. This episode was recorded on June 6, 2023
Season 3
Episode 8

Biodiversity and the Importance of Native Utah Fishes
Dr. Mark Belk and undergraduate student, Noah Larsen discuss some of their research projects, specifically their paper about native Utah fishes. They also discuss the importance of understanding these species and their ecological role so that w...
Season 3
Episode 7

Solving Problems with Microbiology
Dr. Julianne Grose is joined by graduate student, Kenneth Ewool and undergraduate student, Ciara Green as they discuss how microbiology can solve problems. Specifically, they discuss phages (virus that infects bacteria) and metabolism.
Season 3
Episode 6

Life Sciences and the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ
Dean Laura Bridgewater and undergraduate student, Emma Clawson, join Austen and Katy for this discussion about faith and science. Dean Bridgewater tells us about the learning objectives for a unique class taught in the College of Life Sciences ...
Season 3
Episode 5

The Ecology of the Life Science Classroom
Dr. Liz Bailey and graduate student, Sierra Nichols talk about their biological science education research. The studies below look at various gender gaps observed in both remote and in-person science classrooms.This episode was recorded...
Season 3
Episode 4

Wetland Research at Utah Lake
Dr. Rachel Buck and undergraduate student Sara Frutos discuss their wetlands research around Utah Lake. They talk about the problem with the invasive species, Phragmites, as well as their research methods, and field work. If you are interested ...
Season 3
Episode 3

Oat Genetics
Dr. Rick Jellen and student researcher, Ryan Brady, talk about their genetic research with oats and quinoa. Dr. Jellen's research was recently featured on the cover of "Nature" and is linked below. They also discuss Bishop Gérald Caussé's talk ...
Season 3
Episode 2

BYU Recycling
Austin and Katy talk with Bill Rudy and Patrick Smith-LaBombard about the BYU recycling program. Learn what product BYU accepts for recycling and where it goes after you put it in the bin. If you are interested working with Bill as part of the ...
Season 3
Episode 1
Bear and Human Interactions
Dr. Tom Smith from the Plant and Wildlife Sciences department at BYU talks about his research with bears. He also gives advice about how to avoid bear interactions and what to do if you are ...
Season 2
Episode 10

Y Talk - Conversations about Stewardship and Conservation
BYU students, Olivia Burns, Chad Hyer, and Elias Johnson talk with host, Austen Lambert about the new Y talk initiative and how anyone and everyone can participate. To learn more go to sustainability.by...
Season 2
Episode 9

Celebrating 50 Years of Evolution at BYU
Dr. Steven Peck and Dr. Michael Whiting talk about the history of teaching evolution at Brigham Young University.This episode was recorded on October 12, 2022.
Season 2
Episode 8

Urban Agriculture
Dr. Matt Arrington (matt_arrington@byu.edu) and undergraduate student, Nathan Grooms, talk to us about urban agriculture and the benefits of using a hydroponic system.You can read more about t...
Season 2
Episode 7
Study Abroad in Vietnam
After their amazing experience during spring term of 2022, Dr. Seth Bybee and four students, Eva Jasinski, Rachel Sutherland, Lily Gregson, and Cordon Wade discuss their study abroad in Vietnam. Students worked with either Dr. Bybee on team Odo...
Season 2
Episode 6